Tuesday, November 20, 2012

You Only Live Once

I was very worried that I would have no ideas on what to write about after reading The Metamorphosis. I racked my brain all day at school and half the day at work trying to figure out how I could possibly relate to this story in any way.... and then it came to me. Although the events in this story were alittle on the random side, I think there was a message after all. I think basically it was trying to teach people to get out and get what they can out of life and not just sit around being miserable with their day to day routine. If you are feeling like there is something missing, then go out and do what you need to do to fulfill happiness. We can see from the beginning of the story that Gregor is not very happy with his job. He lets the reader know from the start that his work is tiring. "Oh, my Lord! he thought. If only I didn't have to follow such an exhausting proffession! (Kafka 211)" Gregor is obviously burnt out on work but keeps doing what he has to do to support his family. Not only is he an unfulfilled person, but his family is also unable to reach their potential because they are so dependent on him. Getting use to their same routine and settling has set them all back. It is not until the end that they get away from their boring life. "Then the three of them all together left the flat, which was something they hadn't done for months, and took the tram to the park at the edge of the city. (Kafka 241)" Unfortunately, it is with Gregor's sacrifice that they are forced to move forward with their lives. Gregor wasn't able to get enjoyment out of life because he spent it working and eventually his time was up and it was to late. This is where the lesson comes in. Do not just sit around wasting your life. You never know when your time is going to be up so get out there and make something happen because you only live once!

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