Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Change can mean Death...........................

In the story The Metamorphosis, written by Franz Kafka the main character was Gregor Samsa.  Gregos was strange but a normal person who stayed at home with his parents working for a living. He one day woke up from a distressful dream and realizes he has turned into a coach roach. Most people would have panic but for some reason Gregor did not. His life was such a routine he still thinks about work even as an insect he replies, “In any case, somebody will have come from work by then to ask for me, because the business opens before seven o’clock” (Kafka 213). When the father, mother, and sister found out about his transformation they were concerned. The father took it to another level. He was furious about his son being a coach roach. This frustration from the father caused him to be abusive toward his son.  Gregor father, “from behind gives him a truly liberating kick, bleeding profusely” (Kafka 220).   After this incident Gregor stayed in his room most of the time, this is the first incident. His mother and sisters feels sorry for him. His sister brings certain foods to his room so he will eat, which helps with his comfort level. The second incident with his father fear is when he throws an apple into the center of Gregor back. This apple logged in Gregor back caused his death, he died in his room. After his death life went on as though Gregor never existed. Sometime in life, what we fear keeps us from understanding the meaning of change.


  1. One thing that I like about change is that it exposes the good and bad of the previous situation. In Metamorphosis, the change seems mostly bad, but it serves to disrupt the status quo enough to make the change ultimately good in that the remaining family members are free. As the Madman said in his diary, "Just because it's always been that way, does that make it right" (Xun 249)? It's true that traditions are not automatically "right", as was the case with Gregor's life in Metamorphosis, and so I think some change can be good, and some can be bad.

  2. Hi, Adam change is good here in this story of Metamorphosis, according to Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud is a master psychologist, he invented what is called (T.A)Transactional Analysis. Transactional is of or having to do with a transaction, analysis preferring to psychology is, the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorder. Transaction preferring to psychology,is any event or situation that is determined by a person's perception or participation rather than external factors. According to Sigmund Freud's (T.A)Everybody have multiple personalities that we function out of throughout our lives. One is called the adult, the child, and the parent. The adult is the adult always, but the child and the parent are broken down into catergories. The nurturing parent,and the criticising parent. Which one can see throughout this entire story take place in each of them individually. The child has serveral the little brat, and the little professor. Then their is another personality that claims i'm ok and your not ok. Well throughout this story the father plays the adult and the criticising parent freqently toward Gregory. His mother plays the role of you were ok but now your not. The sister becomes his nurturing parent sister, and acts as an adult to his and her mother and father. Which was needed to get the family through this difficulty that had arisen from Gregories tragedy.In the end change help them overcome the results of this tragedy. In the "Diary of a Mad man" the little boy knew his family had to change or be elimanated from society.Cannibalism has been considered medicine, for the individual that suffers, from this evil should i say.In ancient times some people ate raw meat, now a days some people eat medium rare meat, that still has a blood taste. I guess thats change or pretending change in the name of medium rare cooked meats.
