Wednesday, November 28, 2012

One step forward and two steps back

It always seems that when ever the world tries to go forward that someone always screws it up. The Germans are trying to get rid of all the tainted people like woman and children and men that where not of the Germans special race. Which consist of blond hair and blue eyes. They where also getting rid of anyone that was catholic or Jewish  In one part of the story it talks about how they hear a rabbi praying. “He has covered his head with a piece of rag torn off a blanket and reads from a Hebrew prayer book (there is no shortage of this type of literature at the camp), wailing loudly, monotonously.”(Borowski 696) One guy wanted to shut the man up but they decided that it was pointless he was fixing to die anyways. “Let him rave. They'll take him to the oven that much sooner.”(Borowski 697) It always amazed me that we had come so far since the 300 ab that it seems that we had gone back to when everyone were persecuting the Catholics  But the weird thing is that the Jews have been around forever. Its not just a random religion that has no point. The Germans make it seem like being anything but a “German” was wrong. I'm just glad we are out of that time and have moved forward since then. There will always be one person who will try to make us far back in the dark ages. But as long as we hold strong and keep in our faith then we to will overcome any trails that will be thrown in our path.

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