Tuesday, November 27, 2012

This way for gas, Ladies and Gentlemen is about terror extermination camps. Like those in the time of Hitler, Adulf Hitler and Stalin. How they gas chambered their peoples is,  very similar to what is being, simulated here in this fictionalize short story. fantasy verse reality is the tone of this story. Borowski says, "The story's brutal realism and matter-of-fact tone convey as no passionate oratory could the mind-numbing horror of a situation in which systematic slaughter was the background for everyday life" (Borowski 694). This is a contrasting horror story with the writer assimulating fantasy and reality. Exterminating people as if it was the normal thing to do. Making suggestion with the notion that everything is accepted and expected. Again Borowski says, "Twenty-eight thousand women have been stripped naked and driven out of the barracks" (Borowski 695). They were in concentration camps stripped naked awaiting going to the crematoria. Seems like everybody is going along to become extermanated. No one is resisting being driven like cattle to a slaughter, housed in barracks seeing all around them, what was next and who was next. Once again this story is like whats unnormal is taken normal . Throughout this story is like a horrror movie being watch in a close tight seat. Yet in reality this type of  exterminating human beings has actually happen. I finish this blog just as i started it, sumarizing the over all description being suggested.

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