Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Today our culture recognizes love as a utopian idea, as we progress through life love becomes ambiguous. In the short story, “Du Tenth Sinks the Jewel Box in Anger,” written by Feng Menglong, the two main characters in the story are Li and Du Tenth. Li is an upstanding man, who falls in love with a harlot, Du Tenth. Du Tenth loves Li as well, but her madam represses her from life. Li becomes so persistent in perusing Du Tenth the madam finally recognizes his endearment for her. She is willing to relinquish her rights of Du Tenth. The madam charges Li three hundred dollars in exchange for Du Tenth’s freedom. With the restriction Li has the money within ten days (Wenglong 502). At this point Li shows love as a joyous perception from the reply, “When Li had three hundred dollars in hand, it was like a gift dropped from Heaven, and he went off, beaming with joy, to see his love Du Tenth” (Menglong 505).  The story goes on Li and Du Tenth get married, start a new life together, but something happens and gives another perception of love.  Li meets a stranger by the Name of Su Fu who is attracted to his wife. Su Fu comes up with a plan and acquires Du Tenth for one thousand dollars. She was not an idiot, her reply to Su Fu, “You with your lecherous intentions hatched a cunning plot that dissolved me and Li’s life together and destroyed the love and affections between us” (Menglong 515).  Du Tenth was furious with Li because she believes the love they had in the beginning will outlast life itself, but betrayal takes it away, “You have abandoned me and betrayed my earnest heart” (Menglong 516). The story ends with Du Tenth death.
                In my conclusion Li and Du Tenth are the prime example on how love is recognized in our culture today. In the beginning when people fall in love their perception is naive. Life experiences and circumstances change their perception.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny how in love can take over your mind and actions. The being of a relationship is always good because you harldy know the person so your spending the first part mof the relationship getting to know the person. Until months or years passed and you see how they act and their certain views on life, can make you feel a differnt way about the same person you loved months before. Our generation of love is totally differnt from a long time ago. There's to many couples that are in it for the wrong reasons and sometimes people don't know why their in a relationship sometimes. Like you said life experiences will change the way on how you love somebody.
